
I have collected interesting rocks from Mahu (my childhood home) beach for a long time. And last summer I finally had an idea what to do with them. As a child I always wanted to have a glass coffee table and under the glass I would have put my collection of rocks.. but now I am not so keen to the idea that I have to clean the glass table everyday, I am sort of a lazy kid..
So I wanted to have my family's footprints on the wall and I decided to do them with little rocks. At the end of this post I have just some inspiring photos from the beach. Actually it used to be a beautiful harbor, but now it is just disappearing into history. 

I sawed this piece from a wooden broad and made it smoother. I gave it a little burned touch with flames.

 Back there is my another project that I started in 2014, hope it will be ready this year..

Finally I used glue gun to attach the rocks. They look funny and perfect to me :)

 Said no man ever.. 

Be inspired! M

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