Christmas gifts


Christmas is all about love. In my opinion the gift buying is not as much fun as gift making. Also it isn't good for your wallet. But if you make something with your own hands and with love, then finally you end up with the perfect gift. Because if you do something with love, then you simply can't make any mistakes. Everybody loves gifts that are made just for you. 
At least I do. 

Work in progress

Two chistmas trees and a painting for a child. 
Unfortunately I didn't make any pictures of the treemaking, but you need a cone (I made it from wire), sisal (green, purple and red), green pearls (I used different kind: from glass and wood), white and gold pearls, and chain of stars or pearls. I crocheted white balls from white yard as snowballs. I used a glue gun to attach the pieces.

I sewed and painted (under the lace) the skirt and painted the girl. You need glue gun to attach the pieces.
 I bought the wings in 2011 and found them again when I was moving. So I thought that I should make some angels as christmas decor.  In addition that you see on the picture I used round pink garment (dress) and yellow yarn (hair). I wish that their faces could have come out better, but next time..

And at least.. I wrapped the gifts into a fun sock. 

So please stop wasting your money on something that everybody can buyt. Take some time and make something with your hands. I think the loved ones deserve that :)

Have fun! M

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