New bedroom, bed makeover and a carpet


Hello! So we just finished reparations in our bedroom and I wanted to make my old bed look more expensive to match the beige wallpaper. We ran out of money, everyone who has made some reparations in their home, knows that the money just flows away. And when you really don't give a f* anymore, because you just want to be home again with your little family to spend the christmas, then you need some quick ideas to change the look of your room. And so I did.

 In the beginning I asked my "hubby" to make the headboard higher, so I can eventually in the long future read books comfortably.

 After measuring the headboard I cut the fabric and started to sew the stuffing into that, I used two fabrics, one is pictured here, and on the other side I used a cotton fabric. It isn't all the padding that I put on the headboard, I also used polyurethane foam. I put that first on to the headboard.. 
My curious cat who slept as long as he could on the fabric as I sewed. So annoying :D and of course when I tried to picture him, he moved :D cats...
 On the backside I put the fabric that I just didn't need anywhere else. And this was the last thing I did with the headboard. 
This is it, this fabric is just perfect and I searched for it so long. 

And at last, I though that since I am giving so much though into my bedroom, (and I didn't have much money this month) I decided to make carpet, this was easy. I just needed fabric and underlay for the carpet, so that it won't move.. but I have to thank my little boy for picking it up every day and wrapping himself into this. So this isn't the usual strong carpet, but it does the trick. 

  1.  underlay

The underlay is 60cm*150, and my carpet 150*160, so yes :D and I could put a bit more effort into this, but I just don't care :D

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